Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kick in the ass

This is my new best friend. The boot I have to wear for the next three to six weeks. Seems the small fracture in my second metacarpal or metatarsal bone in my foot didn’t heal the last time I did this. But that’s not the kick in the ass.

The kick in the ass, and might I say the above boot will do rather nicely, is whenever we set out to help someone, to be nice, to take in someone less fortunate, it comes back to kick you in the ass.

Today’s kick in the ass…and I have to say this has been going on for weeks now, but it all came to head today. Some back story, ‘cause everyone loves a back story….

Three weeks ago we decided we should take in a roommate to make it through this minor economic hiccup (rhymes with fuck up). We found two people that fit our criteria…had some money and needy. I have to admit that we seem addicted to taking in strays. One was a pregnant homeless girl the other was a transvestite looking for a safe place to live. We picked the pregnant girl, she seemed the most dire. Besides, I don’t like hanging around men that know more about make-up and where to buy high heels than I do. Since I know nothing about make-up, that covers just about anyone who wears eye liner!

So the pregnant girl, (did I mention she was nine months pregnant?) asks if her boyfriend can come along to meet us. Sure, fine. That’s a good idea. I don’t think I’d want to move out into the woods with people crazy enough to take my pregnant ass in…so great, let the boyfriend, not the baby’s father, come along. Long story short he asks if he can join her. Promises to pay the rent, wants to be there for her and the baby, even if it’s not his kid. Cool.
Seven days go by, in which money gets stolen from my wallet and Mike puts a lock on my office door. Can’t prove anything, so we let it slide…very grudgingly. He, shall we call him Asshead, says he’s going to pick up his check from his old girlfriends house. Asshead’s gone for four days. The old girl friend calls and say she kicked him out because Asshead just beat the shit out of her. The pregnant girl takes him back. We tell her if she leaves with Asshead she can’t come back. Fine. She leaves.
She calls today to ask if she can get her stuff. Did I forget to tell say that she left with nothing more than the clothes on her back and a small duffle? Mike packs all her stuff and makes arrangements for her to come get her stuff…with Asshead. Mike says he’ll put all her stuff out on the stairs and she can just take it. They come. She loads the car and when she gets everything in the car. Asshead drives away. Drives away. She’s standing on the porch as he drives away with all her stuff. All the baby’s stuff. As Asshead is leave he’s send Mike a text message “Tell @#@@ that I’m taking her shit and leaving. I’ve been planning this all day. You’ve got my shit I’m keeping hers.” Mike was keeping his stuff in lieu of the rent he owns.
The police were called. Asshead was willing to come back to get his stuff as long as the police were here to “protect” him. In the mean time the police ran his name and confirmed what we’d found out from the old girlfriend. Asshead was a violent sex offender who had not registered the last two places he lived and he was NOT to be in the house ANY children under the age of five! WHAT THE FUCK!
What have we done? How could we let this man into our home, with our child? He was never alone with her, Thank God.
He was arrested. Hopefully to be in jail for a long time.
And where was I when all this was going on? At the doctor, getting this boot that I will now kick myself in the ass with, once I’m done kicking Mike’s ass!


  1. Ah, what would life be without any drama? No, let me rephrase that. What would YOUR life be without any drama? Glad to know everyone is fine. Be careful out in them thar woods!

  2. You see, this is why I like to write fiction - I KNOW what the people are like and I know when the right time to kill them is.
