Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Brain washing available

Brain washing? Brain. Washing. Washing the brain. Taking ones brain out, dousing it with Tide, tossing it into the Maytag, on delicate, it is a brain after all. Brain pan on the wash board. Beating the brain on a rock down by the river. Brain washing.

What the fuck! How crazy do people have to be to actually believe that someone can be brainwashed? I mean other than any organization that deprives you of food and sleep while marching you around in the rain caring more gear than your high bedroom ever contained...think "Be all you can be" but that's our government and they're here to help.

Just because someone leaves their home, travels 1,000 miles in the dead of night, okay, dusk of early evening to move into a home with people they've never met then highlights their hair fuchsia...does that really mean they've been brain washed. And who did this brain washing? The parents that were left, the medical establishment that drugged the washed brain, the state and local law enforcement agents that arrested the brain, and tossed it into a mental institution for two weeks, only to return the brain, then unwashed, to the parents that the brain eventually will run from. Who did the brain washing?

Okay, maybe it was me. Maybe I promised the father of the brains best friend that we could offer a room, food, more dogs than most people see in a lifetime, two bunnies, a cat, a roommate, seven chickens and sense of freedom. Freedom is a very scary word to the brain washed, brain washers, young adults, old people, timid dogs and the oppressed everywhere.

Freedom to make mistakes is always the hardest thing to give, especially for parents. I'm working on it with my little one. She's free to come and go, out the dog door, as she pleases. My belief that when she gets too cold, too wet, too hot, too tired, she'll come in. She's free to eat what she wants, more or less when she wants. Mostly she reached for apples before cookies and a juice box before soda. She's free to dress as she likes, my only request is that she finds two matching shoes to take with us in the event we need to go into a store. I'm sure she'll suffer from too much freedom and too many choices and we'll have to guide her away from certain things. No sneaking out the dog door and taking my car.

No tattoos, will change to no visible tats, the same with the body piercing.

No meeting people on the Internet will be a roll of the eyes, followed by "Isn't that how you met Dad?" Which I will follow with my own eye roll and "And you see how that worked out."

Any personal peeve, no more ice if you don't fill up the ice cube trays!

Where am I going with the brainwashing thing, or even where have I been with it. No one was brainwashed, at least not by me or my simple but loving significant ya honey! Unless you consider a better alternative brain washing, then bring on the Tide and I'll get the fuchsia highlights ready for you.

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